Don’t Make Me Move This Sale!
The exciting news: we’re moving! The not so exciting news: we have a lot of stuff to move. However, there’s a way you – yes, you – can help! We’re currently having a “Don’t Make Me Move This” sale: buy stuff now so that we won’t have to move it later.
Lasting from June 11th – June 22nd, everything in our store will be 15% off (or 30% for members!). And yes, you heard that right, everything in our store is on sale. Dice! Minis! RPG Books! Puzzles! Comics! And, most importantly, games.
Make sure you visit us at 109 Rea Avenue to pick up something for yourself, and make sure to follow us on Instagram or Facebook to know when we move to our new location by Best Buy and Home Goods in Parkway Plaza!
Phone: 619-499-5111